Saturday, August 11, 2012

Vibrancy and Softness

Participating in another one of the always amazing Hannah Marcotti's Joy Up programs, I have been learning a lesson on how what we choose to focus on, we have the ability to create/manifest.

As an experiment, I chose to focus on the color orange. Orange is my favorite color, and it's energy really calls to me these days. It is a happy, life-giving energy that I find uplifting even on my worst days. Orange is also fierce and brave, the color of a just-lit flame.

As I started focusing on orange, I saw it everywhere, but not always accidentally. As my favorite color, there is a lot of orange in my house. The beautiful Anna Maria Horner voile that I drape everywhere I can, my throw pillows, my bedspread, my new favorite mala...apparently I've done a good job of bringing orange into my life, into my living space.

There is something kind of interesting that I began to notice as I was photographing my many orange things. I like to pair orange with a slightly softer, gentler yet contrasting color. As I thought about this I realized that softness and gentleness are two qualities I have been reaching for lately. While fun, our summer has been a bit crazy and I have been finding myself tense and irritable all too often. So I am choosing to focus on the softer palette that is a bit surprising along with the orange. Those soft blues, greys, silvers, turquoise, the luscious greens and the deep dark yet gentle purples. When I think about softness, when I visualize these colors, I think of a more calming, peaceful, quiet energy, which is what my soul would love to cultivate right now.

There is a quote attributed to Buddha, "What you think, you become.". The best part of that is that we get to choose!


  1. I love all your orange, Jennifer! Orange is my favorite, too (I have always thought that it was kind of an uncommon favorite, and yet here we both are! So not surprised by this additional synchronicity. :) My second favorite is probably gray, so I completely understand your choosing to pair it with the softer palette you mention.

  2. Well Chessa I think you have exquisite taste! ;) I've actually never known anyone else whose favorite color was also orange!


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